Product Screenshots

Once you log in, you can see an intuitive user-friendly GUI.

First thing that you can see once you log in is a e-Bulletin where announcement and information is shared among staff. If there is any pending item, there will be an alert to let you know, for instance, if your leaves have been approved, or if you’re a manager and your staff have applied leaves, pending your approval.



The main page of PRODIGY is the calendar where you can easily click and apply leave. You can also easily see who is on leave.



Users can easily check their balance leaves in the reports as PRODIGY provides a comprehensive One-Touch reporting to give you an overview as well as able to drill down details when needed.



Users can also set changes according to the assigned permission levels on the basis of his/her role and work function.




Contact us now to understand how PRODIGY works and how it can improves your organisation efficiency.